SMSF REFINANCE- Did you know?

If you have a Residential Self Managed Super Fund loan with one of the major providers such as Macquarie Bank, Westpac, St. George, CBA, and so on your rate likely starts with a 9, which is simply uncompetitive in today’s market.

If you reach out to your current lender and ask for an interest rate discount, they won’t budge, and that’s because you are sitting on a legacy product that is no longer supported by them. 

Without the appetite for your SMSF business, these lenders would actually prefer that you leave, and thats exactly what you should be doing if you want to get a more competitive rate.

With a growing list of specialised lenders in the SMSF space, we have been moving our older clients that have been sitting on these expensive legacy products, over to the new products.

Reach out to someone from The Lending Alliance, and we can show you through dedicated Self Managed Superfund Lending options where the rates start with a 7. 

To set the context, a half a million-dollar loan, saving 2% on the interest rate, that’s $10,000 a year saving on annual interest costs.

Not forgetting that there will of course be fees and charges to refinance, but it’s absolutely worthwhile starting the conversation to see if we can find a better solution for you.

If you head onto our website, – you can book in a meeting with myself or one of the other Lending Alliance team members using their direct Calendly links.


Meet The Team, First Up – Giovanna


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